Wednesday, November 15, 2006

God is good, God is great

God is good, God is great.
Let us thank him for our food.
In Jesus name, Amen.

That is the prayer that Caleb says before every meal. We often think that our children learn from us, afterall we are the parents. But more and more I'm realizing it a two way street. Caleb teaches me something everyday, whether it be a new prayer, a song or a more valuable lesson like praying before every meal.

While out at lunch one day, Caleb started to pray out loud. I looked around to see if anyone would hear him. Then, with complete conviction, I realized how wrong I was. I shouldn't be concerned about what people might think of my son praying. I should be praying with him. God sent his son to die for our sins and sometimes it seems like he sent my son to remind me to be a better Christian.

Someone did hear Caleb praying and commented on how great it was to see.

Monday, November 06, 2006

We betta call sombody!!

Caleb has watched "Lilo and Stitch" one too many times and is now speaking PIGEON! Paul and I couldn't help but laugh when we overheard Caleb playing with his trucks and recite the lines, "Somting is stuck unda da fenda! We betta call sombody"

Another one of his favorite lines is, "DON'T TOUCH THIS. Don't EVER touch this!" Which, for those of you who don't have the movie memorized like we do, is what Lilo tells Stitch when he picks up a very special picture of her family. Caleb will use it when he doesn't want you to touch his toy.

The worst part is the "bad words" Caleb has learned from the movie. There's a part of the movie when Lilo and her sister, Nani, get in a fight and Lilo tells her sister that she's stinky like a Rabbit. Well, you guessed it, Caleb will tell me that I'm stinky and then storm off like Lilo. And his latest...he'll say, "Watch out where you going" then kick you (or whatever is in front of him) and say, "stupidhead"! I think it's time to put that Disney movie away!!!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


This was Caleb's his first year of trick-or-treating. Our friend's, Hazel and Darin, had us over for dinner and a fun night of trick-or-treating. At first Caleb really didn't like it. He didn't want to wear his costume. He didn't want to walk up to the door. He didn't want to hold his pumpkin. I was getting alittle frustrated with him but THEN he realized that the nice people were giving him lollipops! Trick-or-treating all of a sudden became fun. He'd leave each house and look into his little pumpkin and ask, "What did she put me?"

Almost everyone recognized his Bob the builder costume, though he did get one Village People comment. Haha.

Judy, Sully - the glamour queen, Hazel, Spiderman (AKA William), Me and Bob the Builder!