Monday, October 23, 2006

Little Carseat Driver

On a drive in the City this weekend, my cousin-in-law commented on Caleb's back seat driving. I never thought of it before but Caleb IS totally a carseat driver!! He's always telling us to "Turn right!" or "go left here!" Some of his favorite commands from the carseat are:

-- "Watch OUT, Watch OUT!!"

-- "Put your seat belt on."

-- "Green light, GO!!"

-- "Careful, Daddy."

-- "Keep both hands on the wheel please."

And my favorite:

-- "Slow down, crazy driver!!!" (this is usually directed at Paul!)

Monday, October 09, 2006

Professional Ring Bearer

Caleb was in his third wedding this weekend...and well, he's a professional ring bearer at this point!! When we first got to the rehearsal he asked, "where's my pillow?" During the rehearsal he kept asking me to follow him down the aisle. I explained to him that Mommy couldn't follow him but Daddy would be at the front. He seemed to understand but I became alittle nervous. How was he going to react to a chapel full of complete strangers? But when the big moment came he walked down that aisle without looking back. I know I was much more nervous than he was. As we waited for the ceremony to start I realized that my heart was beating superfast. Caleb just kept saying, "I'm ready, I'm ready!"

After the ceremony he was soo proud of himself, telling everyone how he walked down the aisle and how people were taking pictures of him. Of course, Paul and I were very proud of him too. Everyone commented on how well he did and how well behaved he is (the flower girls were alittle wild). Sometimes I think we might be alittle hard on him but when we receive comments on his behavior and how happy he is we know it's paying off.

And, I'm always so surprised that Caleb doesn't mind wearing a tuxedo. He even kept the little bow tie on all day and night!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Life Without Diapers

It's official. We've been declared potty trained! We are soo excited. Not only is it a big milestone for Caleb but it saves us $100 on preschool (not to mention the diapers)! He was using "big boy undies" at home but we continued to send him to school in his pull-ups for fear that he would have an accident during play. After speaking with his teacher, we both decided he was ready. So last Monday we sent him to preschool in his big boy undies. To our surprise, he stayed dry all day even during nap time! As a reward, that evening I bought him a big Elmo balloon. He looked at the balloon and asked, "Where's my cake?" Remembering the last time we celebrated the potty it involved a cake. (This kid has an incredible memory, amazing Paul and I almost daily. No more empty promises from us, Caleb WILL call us out on them!) So we are celebrating Caleb's week of "No Accidents" and our "Life without Diapers" with a cake.

Caleb starts school!

I can't believe he's already in preschool! Getting kicked out his old family daycare (for biting) pushed us into placing him in a preschool where there would be more structure and teachers to watch him. And I think it's really been for the best. He is thriving in the school setting and no more biting! Preschool officially started last month and we can already see a difference. He is much more independent and outgoing. He comes home everyday with a new song or story that he has learned. And let's just say our frig can't take anymore masterpieces! He loves his teachers, Ms. Rinna and Ms. Evie and has also made lots of friends. Everyday, when I get home from work he greets me at the top of our stairs and says, "I had fun at school today!" I am very happy and proud to see Caleb so excited about school. But apart of me is also a little sad. He's growing soo fast and not a baby anymore. I know, just have another one, right? Ok I'm not THAT sad. Haha.