Monday, December 03, 2007

The Stand-Off

Caleb is a very picky eater. We've tried sticker charts, treats, hiding the veggies. Lately, what has seemed to work is allowing Caleb to have a popsicle or yogurt for dessert as an award for eating all his dinner. Even with the reward, every night seems like a battle but this night in particular there was a stand off in our home.

It began as a regular night, Caleb dawdling and finding every excuse to not eat. At his wits end Paul told Caleb that he was not leaving the table until he ate. Not phased, Caleb sat quietly. It escalated. "Caleb, you're not eating dessert if you don't eat your dinner." Caleb crossed his arms and continued his protest. Then Paul, being the mature adult, grabs a popsicle and begins eating it infront of Caleb! Caleb glares at him as if to say, "I know what you are doing and it's not going to work!" Caleb sat at the dinner table for over an hour and never took one bite.

We might start calling him Gandhi.


At 12:40 AM, Blogger ewee said...

time for carrot juice popsicles...

At 12:41 AM, Blogger ewee said...

and score: one caleb, zero paul (sorry least you got the popsicle...)


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